Shawl Bay Retreat

Shawl Bay Retreat is a floating guesthouse in the heart of the Broughton Archipelago. Situated at the mouth of Kingcome Inlet, the Retreat provides unparalleled access to some of the most breathtaking scenery and kayaking adventures in North America. They requested a professional website to highlight beautiful photography of the nearby scenery kayakers could come to explore, as well as photos of their accommodations. Their site also offers helpful details for trip-planners such as transportation options to the Broughtons, nearby kayak destinations, and an overview of the history of the float-house.

It was important that the site reflected the calm ambience of the Retreat while also being an easy-to-navigate and helpful experience for the website user.

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Services provided: Web Design, SEO

Home Page

Shawl Bay Retreat website home page

Accommodations Page

Shawl Bay Retreat website Accommodations page

Kayak & Touring Page

Shawl Bay Retreat website Kayak & Touring page

Rates Page

Shawl Bay Retreat website Rates page

Leading Light Accountancy, PS